Rosary Cathedral Parish has a gift shop! It’s located in the parish offices. The gift shop is open Monday thru Friday, from 9:00am till 4:00pm.
We feature rosaries, votive candles with our logo, Rose Window note cards and post cards. Also, a special compilation of research that has been done about the cathedral itself was compiled and put into a series of 8 booklets. For more information about purchasing items, please call us at 419-244-9575, during business hours.
We offer three types of rosaries for sale. These rosaries were specially made for us and feature designs from inside our Cathedral that is dedicated to Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. They are handmade in Italy by the Ghirelli firm. The crucifix features our crucifix from inside the cathedral; the centerpiece is two sided and features the “Coronation” fresco that is above the sanctuary on the front and “Rose Window” on the back. The “Our Father” beads feature the rosettes that are throughout the cathedral.

Two of our tour guides at Rosary Cathedral, Mary Ann Boesel and Carol Schoen, along with Father James E. Peiffer have researched and written eight beautiful booklets about the many artistic and inspiring aspects of Rosary Cathedral. Chris Boesel took the amazing photos that fill the booklets.
The eight booklets about Rosary Cathedral are:
Apse and Sanctuary, Bishop’s Chapel, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Exterior of the Cathedral, Side Aisle Altars, Side Aisle Ceilings, Stained Glass Windows and Vestibule & Nave.
They are $20.00 per set.