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As Catholics, the ministers of the Mass are our Priests and Bishop. In order to carry out the liturgy the lay people assist the priest by performing specific duties during Mass. People must be members of our parish community and striving to live by the teachings of the Church to perform a Mass Ministry. Training and information are provided at various times of the year for new volunteers.

Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Communion Ministers)

In order to distribute Holy Communion in both species, bread and wine, and because of the size of Sunday Mass crowds, lay people assist our priests and deacons to distribute Holy Communion.  Trained lay people provide this assistance at the Sacred Liturgy.


Lay people serve as Lectors (Readers)  and proclaim clearly the First and Second Readings from the Old Testament or the New Testament with the exception of the Gospels.   Training is provided.

Altar Servers

People of all ages are invited to help serve Mass at Rosary Cathedral. Altar servers carry the cross and candles in procession, assist the priest by holding the missal, help to  prepare the altar and assist with the other logistics of the Mass.


Greeters stand at the entrances of the Church and welcome everyone into our celebration. A greeter is a welcoming face and can give someone a warm experience at the door of their first Mass or their first Mass in a while.  Being a greeter is truly a way to evangelize!

Mass Coordinator

On weekends, set out the unconsecrated hosts, wine carafe, water cruet, missal, etc. Set up priest’s chalice, unlock tabernacle, set out  communion patens and dish with towel.  Training provided.


Ushers help to greet all who enter the Cathedral, assist with seating late comers, pass out worship aides,  and help to straighten up the Church after ceremonies. The Cathedral ushers have the unique privilege of serving at many of the Liturgies at which the Bishop is present.

To volunteer for a Mass Ministry call the parish offices at 419-244-9575 or email us at

Service Ministries

To inquire about participation and for more information, please email Tim Westfall ( or call the parish at 419.244.9575, Ext 207.


ALPHA is a journey through the basics of Christianity to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  Each ALPHA session includes a meal, a concise and engaging video presentation, and open discussion.  The ALPHA  series also includes an overnight retreat experience.  ALPHA  is a safe and welcoming place to build a deeper foundation in faith, ask the deep questions about life, and build a better relationship with Jesus.

Alpha is a journey through the basics of Christianity to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Each Alpha evening will include a light meal, a concise and engaging video presentation, and open discussion. The Alpha series also includes an optional overnight retreat experience.

Who should consider coming?

  • Do you want a more meaningful relationship with Jesus?
  • Do you want a better grasp of the basics of your faith?
  • Do you struggle to believe or have doubts?
  • Do you want a safe place to talk about faith?
  • Is your faith dry?
  • Have you lost the excitement of your conversion?
  • Do you want to connect more deeply with others?

If you relate with any of these questions then Alpha is for you! Alpha is a safe and welcoming place to build a deeper foundation in faith, ask the deep questions about life, and build a better relationship with Jesus.

Bible Studies

Most Tuesdays starting at 12:30PM, members of Rosary Cathedral Parish gather in the parish activity room for a Bible Study of the Sunday Liturgical readings.  Bible Studies are a great opportunity to deepen your relationship with God, learn about your faith, and grow in relationship with other members of Rosary Cathedral. Refer to the parish calendar or bulletin for updated information.

Boy Scout Troop #39

Area male youth can join Boy Scout Troop #39 to learn about manly character, outdoor skills, and patriotism. Contact the parish offices for more information.  Troop # 39 is one of the oldest continuously chartered troops in the United States. They meet on Wednesday evenings in the school cafeteria.

Funeral Luncheons

Rosary Cathedral Parish provides assistance hosting luncheons following funerals at Rosary Cathedral.  If you would like to volunteer to host luncheons or donate side dishes or desserts contact the parish offices at 419-244-9575.

Knights of Columbus Council #16264

All men of Rosary Cathedral Parish are invited to become a Knight! The Knights of Columbus is a Fraternal Men’s Organization that focuses on Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Council was the first council formed in fraternal year 2015 and is excited to grow and contribute to the Cathedral Parish. If you want to become a Knight, join Here. For more information about the Knight of Columbus, click Here, or email Tim in the Parish Office at  The Knights meet once a month on Tuesday evenings.

Men’s Fellowship

The Rosary Cathedral Men’s Fellowship meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM in a local restaurant to share a meal, pray together, and discuss life and theology as men seeking God. For more information or to join us please call the parish office.

Women’s Fellowship

Women of the parish community gather on Thursday afternoon, once a month, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the parish office to socialize, talk about spirituality and outreach efforts.  This group is now forming. For more information, please call the parish office.

St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE)

St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our public Catholic presence. We are blessed that the local director of SPSE is a parishioner of Rosary Cathedral, Dino Piccinini. Please email him at to get involved! Or click Here for more information.

St. Vincent De Paul Society (SVDP)

A work of Charity.

Provides emergency assistance for parish members or those who live in our parish boundaries.  We maintain a food pantry and see clients on Monday mornings. To volunteer with the local conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society call the parish office, 419-244-9575.  For assistance, please contact 419-245-6563 and leave a message.

Other Parish Events and Opportunities

  • Church Decorating Helper
  • Care for plants and flowers in the Cathedral
  • Lenten Stations of the Cross
  • Office Volunteers
  • Pancake Breakfasts
  • Parish Choir
  • Parish Concert Series
  • Parish Retreats and Missions
  • Parish Social Events
  • State of the Parish Meeting

Educational Ministries

Teaching RCIA

RCIA is an opportunity to grow deeper in relationship with Christ and His Church. If you or a loved one want to join our community and be Baptized, Confirmed, or just learn more about your faith join the RCIA, please join us!

A “team” approach is utilized for the sessions. We utilize Journey of Faith materials with Catholic Updates as supplements. These materials are produced by Liguori Publications.

RCIA sessions run throughout the year, from September through May. Sessions begin on Wednesday, Sept 21, 2022 at 6:30pm. Please contact the parish office for more details.

Journey of Faith

If you wish to have your child Baptized or Confirmed, or if you want your child to receive their First Penance or Communion, enroll them in our parish Sacramental Preparation Program. Please contact the Parish Office at 419-244-9575 to register or for questions. The 2021-2022 handbook is available in the bookrack at the South parking lot entrance inside the Cathedral. This has the registration paperwork inside.  You can also access the paperwork at this link: Journey of Faith – Rosary Cathedral Parish

Children should be registered for class before the classes begin on September 18, 2022 in order to receive the sacraments in the coming year.